The United Nations and the European Union: An ever stronger partnership



Organisation: Egmont Institute, Friends of Europe, GMF, Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung and Heritage Foundation.

COLLOQUIUM:The United Nations and the European Union: An Ever Stronger PartnershipIRRI-KIIB in co-operation
with the UN Association Flanders Belgium and KUL Institute for International Law18/05/2004

Read the programme: here

Colloquium Addresses:

Welcome address: Fr. de Kerchove, Director General IRRI-KIIB: click here

Keynote Address: Belgium, the EU and the UN Ambassador Alex Van Meeuwen, Director-General DG Multilateral Affairs and Globalisation, Belgian Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation: Read both speeches here


Session I. Towards a Structural Cooperation between the UN and the EU

The UN and the EU: A Mutually Reinforcing Partnership
Dr. Omar Bakhet, Director, United Nations Office, Brussels: click here

The EU and the UN: Towards a Structural Cooperation
Mr. Jim Cloos, Director Transatlantic Relations, Council of the EU: click here

Institutional Ambiguities and Political Realities in the EU – UN Relationship
Pieter-Jan Kuijper, Legal Service of the European Commission: click here


Session II. UN-EU Cooperation on Development, Humanitarian, Human Rights and Refugees Issues

UN-EU Cooperation in the Area of Development
Mr. Timo Wilkki, European Commission, DG Development: click hereUN-EU Cooperation in the Area of Humanitarian Aid
Mr. John Aylieff, World Food Programme: click here

UN-EU Cooperation concerning Refugees
Mr. Jacques Mouchet, Regional Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to the Benelux and the EU: click here

Session III. UN-EU Cooperation in the Area of Security: Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Terrorism

UN-EU Cooperation in the Area of Security: in Search of Effective Multilateralism and a Balanced Division of Tasks
Dr. Sven Biscop, Senior Researcher, KIIB/IRRI, Visiting Professor, Ghent University: click here

UN-EU Cooperation in the Areas of Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Ms Claude-France Arnould, Director, Defence Aspects, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU: click here

UN-EU Cooperation on Terrorism
Mr. Paul Rietjens, Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU: click here


Session IV. The UN, the EU and the role of civil society

Panel and floor Debate with Interventions of:
– Mr. Andreas Nicklisch, Deputy Director, Regional United Nations Information Center (RUNIC): click here

-Jean-Paul Marthoz, Human Rights Watch: click here

-Mrs. Kathrin Schick, Director, Voice (Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in International Emergencies): click here


Closing Address: Prof. Jan Wouters, President United Nations Association Flanders Belgium, Director of the Institute for International Law, KU Leuven: click here

(Photo credit: EU Naval Force Media and Public info Office, Flickr)


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