MENARA Project

The MENARA Project – The Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: Mapping geopolitical shifts, regional order and domestic transformations – has come to an end after three years of […]

African Futures: Horizon 2025

The objective of this Report – the outcome of a consultative project conducted in collaboration with external experts and research institutes – is to reflect on the major trends that […]

EU-Africa Strategic Dialogue II

The last workshop of the African Futures: Horizon 2025 project was held in Pretoria on 29-30 June 2017 and was organised in cooperation with the Institute for Security Studies. It […]

Africa growing? Past, present and future?

This brief by Morten Jerven seeks to dispel some of the negative narratives about Africa’s economic record, as well as discern factors which could lead to future growth on the […]

EU-Africa strategic dialogue

This workshop on ‘EU-Africa strategic dialogue’ held in Rabat, in cooperation with the OCP Policy Center, explored African trends in terms of demography, economy and society, governance, international relations and […]

African Security: between fragility and resilience

This workshop held in Paris discussed the evolution of the African security landscape with a medium-long term perspective. Sources of conflict, drivers of radicalisation, trends in organized crime and challenges […]

Organised crime and fragile states: African variations

This brief by Luca Raineri and Francesco Strazzari explores how transnational organised crime (TOC) poses a security threat that may undermine the state in Africa, including its societal institutions, geopolitical […]