



Delina Goxho

Associate Fellow

Remote warfare and security in Europe and West Africa regions

European affairs


Marie-Anne Coninsx

Senior Associate Fellow

EU institutions, EU external relations, Arctic Region

Jean De Ruyt

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)2 223 41 14

EU institutions, The transatlantic relationship, Middle East and North Africa

Europe in the world


Thomas Renard

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)471 325285

EU strategic partnerships, emerging powers, global security, terrorism, cyber

Marc Otte

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)2 223 41 14

Middle East and North Africa, European Neighbourhood Policy, Instruments of EU CFSP, Crisis Management and Mediation.

Bart Dessein

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)9 264 39 90; +32 (0)9 264 41 56

Modern and contemporary history of China, Chinese political philosophy, and New Confucianism

Ilana Bet-El

Senior Associate Fellow

EU, Transatlantic relationship, Russia and the Middle East , NATO-EU relations.

Peter Neumann

Senior Associate Fellow

Right-wing extremism, foreign fighters, radicalisation, terrorism, crime-terror nexus

Education & Training

Training experts

Valérie Rosoux

Senior Training Expert

Negotiation, the role of memory and transitional justice

Renier Nijskens

Senior Training Expert

All aspects of bilateral diplomacy

Sofie Rafrafi

Senior Training Expert

Civilian Crisis Management

Communications & Events

Administration & Services