The South China Sea: perspectives from law and history

Conference from 10:00 to 13:00

Press Club Brussels Europe, 95 Rue Froissart, 1000 Brussels

Organisation: Egmont and the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines

The lecture given by Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Senior Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines will tackle issues relating to the South China Sea dispute including its scope, the nature of the arbitration case filed by the Philippines before an arbitral panel under UNCLOS, and the legal questions raised by the Philippines in the arbitration case. Using official documents, government pronouncements and academic studies, including historical documents and maps, the lecture will assess the merits of the nine-dash line. Taking into account the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and customary international law, the lecture will also discuss policy considerations relevant to the conflicting claims and the current arbitration case.

You can see here the powerpoint presentation.


10.00-10.30 Registration
10.30 Welcome Words Ambassador Marc Otte, Director General, Egmont Institute
Ambassador Victoria Bataclan, Philippine Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg and Head of Mission to the European Union
Keynote speech Mr. Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Senior Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines
Discussants Ms. Theresa Fallon, Policy Analyst, European Institute of Asian Studies
  Dr. Michael Reiterer, Principal Advisor, Asia and Pacific Department, European External Action Service (EEAS)
Prof. Erik Franckx, Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and President of the Department of International and European Law of the VUB
Moderator Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Director Programme Europe in the World, Egmont Institute
12.30 Networking lunch offered by the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines