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Inside Embassies

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Sven Biscop wrote the preface to this collection of Elisabeth Ida’s photographs, which shows that an embassy is first and foremost a place of work for the diplomats toiling there on what often are repetitive tasks, negotiating every word of a detailed technical agreement or drafting reports for the capital that might not be read but that are nonetheless expected.

Click here to order your copy.
(Photo credit: SouthEastern Star, Flickr)



Elisabeth Ida Mulyani

Inside Embassies

20 x 27 cm

72 pages

ISBN 9789490800321

edition of 500

€ 25

special edition

€ 100 with signed print 20 x 25 cm (limited edition of 20)

PREORDER: limited to 100 copies with 3 small prints for free


(shipping late June 2015)



(shipping late June 2015)

“In reality, as Elisabeth Ida’s photographs show, an embassy is first and foremost a place of work for the diplomats toiling there on what often are repetitive tasks, negotiating every word of a detailed technical agreement or drafting reports for the capital that might not be read but that are nonetheless expected. This side of diplomacy is associated more with dreary meeting rooms and drab offices than beautiful salons. Efforts made in waiting rooms, corridors and lobbies to convey something about the country while creating a certain homelike atmosphere come across as gauche rather than elegant. Sofas whose colour-scheme matches ill with the colours of the national flag give the impression of making do with what is available, under the watchful eye of the ubiquitous state picture of a president, king or queen, who are keen to ensure that the national budget is not wasted on undue comforts.” (Excerpt from “The Gauche Gateway)

Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Ghent University & Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations (Brussels)

With the support from Cultuurcentrum Strombeek and Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.