UK Referendum : Risks, Challenges and Perspectives

Conference 18:00-20:00

Egmont Palace, 8bis, Place du Petit Sablon, 1000 Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute

The question whether the UK will remain in the EU or leave it one of the most daunting challenges that European countries will have to face this year. The aim of the conference is to approach various questions related whether the UK will remain in the EU or leave it. This conference will examine the main stakes related to this issue, among others: to what extent does the agreement of the February European Council conforms to UK citizens? Are these demands legitimate? What is the role played by British national politics in this debate? And finally, what are the risks for the UK and for the EU involved in a potential Brexit?



17:00 – 18:00: Registration

Chair : Ambassador Marc Otte, Director General, Egmont Institute


– Chris Grayling MP, Leader of the House of Commons and Lord President of the Council

– Stephen Fidler, Brussels editor, Wall Street Journal

– Marc Tarabella, Member of the European Parliament, (S&D)

– Richard Corbett, MEP

Q &A session: moderated by Marc Otte

20:00: End of the conference


Following the conference, please find the record of the debate here as well as the video



(Photo credit: Council of the EU)