FGS 2.0: challenges and scenarios for the new Somali government

On invitation only

The Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to a brown bag lunch meeting on 28 March on Somalia with Tobias Hagmann, Associate Professor at Roskilde University, Research Associate at the University of Zurich and fellow at the Rift Valley Institute. He will speak about the challenges for the newly elected Somali President Mohameed Abdullahi ‘Farmajo’. Not only does he have one of the toughest political jobs in the world. He inherits a dysfunctional bureaucracy, Al-Shabaab continues to pose a major threat and the country risks relapsing into famine. Somalia’s fragile political settlement continues to rely heavily on external funding. Will the new administration be able to decrease its dependence from donors as it pushes state reconstruction forward? Or will it remain a functional failed state? This seminar identifies key dynamics and discusses possible political scenarios in Somalia.

This event is on invitation only. The working language will be English.

(Photo credit: Wikimedia)