60 years after the Rome Treaty: time to reboot the European Project? Fully Booked !

Conference from 16:30 - 18:30

Egmont Palace, Salle Orange

Organisation: Egmont Institute, IEE and VUB IES

A keynote lecture by Professor Loukas Tsoukalis.
On 25 March 1957, a group of European statesmen gathered in the Palazzo dei Conservatori on the Capitoline Hill for a pivotal moment in modern European history. Building on the Spaak report and the 1956 intergovernmental conference on the common market at Val Duchesse, they agreed to take a major leap forward in expanding economic cooperation from coal and steel into the establishment of the European Economic community, setting the stage for the development of what we now know as the European Union. Sixty years later, and worn out by successive crises in the Union’s monetary, migratory and foreign policies, a new generation of leaders ponder what the future may hold in store for European integration. At the occasion of the Rome Treaty’s sixtieth anniversary, Professor Loukas Tsoukalis will address the most urgent question in European politics today: can the European project be relaunched?


16.30   Registration

17.00   Keynote lecture by Professor Loukas Tsoukalis

Chair: Professor Alexander Mattelaer, Egmont

Discussant: Professor André Sapir, IEE-ULB

18.30   Closing remarks


About the speaker

Loukas Tsoukalis is presently Professor of European Integration at the University of Athens, President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), and Visiting Professor at King’s College London and the College of Europe in Bruges. He was born in Athens and studied economics and international relations at the University of Manchester, the College of Europe in Bruges, and the University of Oxford. He taught for many years at Oxford University and later became Professor at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science as the first holder of the Eleftherios Venizelos Chair. He has advised the former President of the European Commission and former President of the European Council. Author of many books including The New European Economy and What Kind of Europe? published by Oxford University Press and translated into several languages. His latest book In Defence of Europe: Can the European Project Be Saved? was published in 2016.

(Photo credit: © European Union, 1995-2017)