The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia

Last November in Moscow, Egmont and the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE/RAS) launched a joint publication on the impact of the EU’s Global Strategy on EU-Russia relations, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary conference of IE/RAS.

The report is available HERE.

By way of Brussels launch, both institutes cordially invite you to an expert seminar addressing two key dimensions of EU-Russia relations: security and the economy.



    • 9.00-9.15: Welcome by Ambassador Johan Verbeke, Director-General, Egmont
    • 9.15-10.30:
      1st  Session
      : “Security threats in Europe: possibilities and obstacles for EU-Russia cooperation”
      Moderator: Ambassador Marc Franco, Egmont
      Prof. Dr. David Criekemans, University of Antwerp
      Dr. Dimitry Danilov, IE/RAS
    • 10.30-11.00: Coffee break
    • 11.00-12.30:
      2nd Session
      : “European Union and Eurasian Economic Union:  cooperation or competition” 
      Moderator: Dr. Alexey Gromyko, Director, IE/RAS
      Prof. Dr. Peter Van Elsuwege, Ghent University Ghent
      Dr. Olga Potemkina IE/RAS


(Photo credit: theglobalpanorama, Flickr)