How to boost EU-Vietnam Relations via Investment and Trade: A Debate

One of the most rapidly developing nations of Southeast Asia, Vietnam is an extremely promising market for the European Union. There is huge potential for trade in both directions across a range of industries – automotive, industrial machine tools, wastes and water treatments, food & drink, pharmaceutical, textiles,  to name a few – and this potential will increase due to the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) which is awaiting signature. The EVFTA will not only develop business but equally serve as an anchor of growth and stability in a strategically important region of the world.

Organized by the EU-Vietnam Business Hub in partnership with Egmont Institute, this debate aims to bring together stakeholders and experts who will present to the public their own first-hand experiences of operating or investing in Vietnam, and discuss the rich commercial and investment opportunities in this increasingly important partner for Europe.

The programme for the event is provided below. Please note that some of the participants may be subject to change.


14.30-15.00   Registration

14.00-15.00   Press conference on the ratification of the EU-Vietnam FTA with Tran Quoc Khánh, Vietnam Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade

15.00-15.10   Welcome & Presentation of the EU-Vietnam Business Hub

15.10-15.20   Opening words
-H.E. Mr. Vu Anh Quang, Ambassador of Vietnam to the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Union

15.20-15.30   EU-Vietnam FTA: an anchor of stability in an era of uncertainty
-Bruno Hellendorff, Joint Research Fellow at the Egmont Institute and European Policy Centre

15.30-16.10   EU-Vietnam FTA: opportunities and perspectives
-Tran Quoc Khánh, Vietnam Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade
-Helena König, Deputy Director General at Commission DG Trade

16.10-17.10   Roundtable discussion
-Paul Smith, UK-Vietnam Network & former CEO of Nashtech
-Michel Olivier, Consultant at YFAC
-Olaf Baumann, Executive Vice-President of FPT Europe

17.10-17.30   Q&A session (including the Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Trade)

17.30-18.30   Networking drink