Which Future for Multilateralism? Perspectives from the EU and Major Powers

On invitation only


This seminar discusses the EU’s changing relations with major powers. Increasingly, global norms and values are contested. The EU is often considered a vanguard of a law based, Liberal World Order. The Common Foreign and Security Policy gained strength in parallel with the consolidation of this order after the end of the Cold War. But is the Liberal Order legitimate? Aiming to identify what might be viable reforms to the global order and the multilateral system, the seminar will address perspectives from the EU itself, Russia, India, China, Brazil, South Africa and the United States. Is there evidence of common views? On which core principles could a viable multilateralism be rebuilt in order to resolve key global challenges such as migration, climate, armed conflict and poverty?

09:00-09:15: Registration and coffee

09:15-09:30: Welcome and introduction

  • Helene Sjursen, ARENA Centre for European Studies / GLOBUS
  • Sven Biscop, Egmont Institute

09:30-11:15: Panel I: What should be the building blocs of the (new) normative order? Exploring the positions                                        emerging powers

  • Chair: Sven Biscop
  • Philani Mthembu, Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD)
  • Antonio Patriota (tbc), Ambassador of Brazil to Egypt
  • Shibashis Chatterjee, Jadavpur University

11:15-11:30: Coffee

11:30-13:15: Panel II: Reform, rebuild or dismantle the multilateral system? Making sense of the roles                                                         of permanent members of the UN Security Council

  • Chair: Helene Sjursen
  • Sergey Utkin, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Kenneth Chan, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Nicolas Bouchet, The German Marshall Fund

13:15-14:15: Lunch

14:15-16:00: Panel III: Lessons for Europe: Perspectives from inside and outside the EUs institutions

  • Chair: Ben Tonra, University College Dublin / GLOBUS
  • Giovanni Grevi, European Policy Centre / College of Europe
  • Hervé Delphin (tbc), European External Action Service
  • Helene Sjursen, ARENA Centre for European Studies / GLOBUS
  • Sven Biscop, Egmont Institute

16:00: Close of conference


(Photocredit: GovernmentZA, Flickr)