From compact to pact : how to manage migration?

WEBINAR 13:00-14:00: From compact to pact : how to manage migration?

Webinar - Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute

Join the Egmont Institute for a Webinar on: From compact to pact : how to manage migration? on  Tuesday 23 of June 2020, at 13h00 (Brussels time).  


  • Ambassador Jean-Luc Bodson, Special Envoy Migration and Asylum
  • Ola Henrikson, Regional Director of IOM’s Regional Office for the EU,Norway and Switzerland
  • Rainer Munz, former Special adviser on migration and demography at the European Political Strategy  Centre of the European Commission


  • Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Program, Egmont Institute.


The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was formally approved by 152 governments at the UN General Assembly in late 2018. However difficult its negotiation was, the time has come to bring it from paper to reality. But governments might find it difficult to move to tangible deliverables at a moment when they face more pressing concerns and as the COVID-19 outbreak has raised fundamental questions in relation to human mobility.

It is well known that the political price to pay to enact the compact was steep, to the point that mere reference to it could become toxic. So the question is: does the Global Compact matter at a time States are looking inwards and reconsidering their interconnectedness? If its mission proves impossible to put into place at the global level, could the Compact’s guidelines still be implemented at a more local level through regional cooperation frameworks? Could the forthcoming New Pact on Migration and Asylum announced by the European Commission help to consolidate such a regional platform susceptible to liaise with others of the same type, in particular in Africa?

Participants should register online  by Friday 19June  (click on the “register” button)

Zoom will be open at 12:45. A link will be sent to the confirmed participants.


 (Photo credit: Pixabay)