Professional traineeships for 10 students of the 6th graduating class “Etienne Tshisekedi” of ENA RDC

On invitation only

After 9 months of courses, most of which happened online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 99 students of the 6th graduating class “Etienne Tshisekedi” of the National School for Public Administration of the DR Congo (ENA RDC) will complete their training with professional traineeships in various public administrations in the country, starting on November 9th.                                                                                                                                   

The Egmont Institute, with the support of Enabel (Belgian Development Agency) and the Embassy of Belgium in Kinshasa, is happy to offer a special “traineeship package” for the 10 best students of the class. Two of them will complete their traineeship within the political and development cooperation sections of the Embassy of Belgium, while the rest will travel to 4 different provinces in the country to join the governorates.

Over the course of 3 months, the trainees will learn the ins and outs of a public administration, and will be followed very closely by the Egmont Institute as well as a team of high-ranking managers from the Belgian public administration who will coach and accompany them from a distance in their experience, to make sure it is as fulfilling as possible.