Partnership with ‘Centre de Perfectionnnement Administratif’ (CPA)

Parcours d’accompagnement pour l’acquisition d’un savoir être et d’un savoir-faire dans la conduite de l’action publique /

Professional training and coaching programme to acquire soft and technical skills in the implementation of public policy

The Egmont Institute is proud to announce the launch of a new project in support to the public administration of the Republic of Guinea. The project, titled ‘Parcours d’accompagnement pour l’acquisition d’un savoir être et d’un savoir-faire d’ans la conduite de l’action publique’ will take place over the next 2 years, implemented by the Egmont Institut Education & Training Programme, in partnership with the ‘Centre de Perfectionnnement Administratif’ (CPA) of the Republic of Guinea, and with the support of Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency, in the framework of Belgian-Guinean cooperation.

The programme aims to equip participants with the necessary skills to initiate a process of institutional change, so as to gradually guide the Guinean public administration towards greater efficiency and encourage progress towards good governance.

The individualised professional training and coaching programme will be offered to a group of 20 senior officials of the Guinean administration. Over the course of 2 years, participants will receive regular training sessions on a variety of soft and technical skills, such as leadership, strategic management, negotiation, or creativity in the development and implementation of public policies. In parallel, participants will receive individualised support through regular coaching sessions, led by a team of Guinean and Belgian coaches, that will allow each participant to establish and work on their own professional development project.

Support will also be provided to the local partner, the CPA, in order to further develop its capacity to provide training courses and modernise the Guinean administration.



Launch of the Professional training and coaching programme in Guinea

Monday 12 April

 The “Professional training and coaching programme to acquire soft and technical skills in the implementation of public policy” was officially launched on 12th April during a ceremony presided by the Minister of Public Service and Labour of Guinea, Dr Mamadou BALLO, the Ambassador of Belgium to Guinea, Ms Delphine PERREMANS, and the Representative of Enabel, Ms Krista Verstraelen.
The training programme of the 20 participants, all senior officials of the Guinean administration, began with a 5-day course in Leadership skills.