Social Europe Post-Porto: what now and where next?

Online policy dialogue from 14.00 to 15.00 (CET on-line)

Organisation: EPC and Egmont Institute

Please click here to register.

The European Policy Centre and the Egmont Institute are pleased to invite you to this joint online policy dialogue on Social Europe after the Porto Summit with Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and Maria João Rodrigues.

Expectations were high for the Porto Social Summit, held at the start of May. As the first social summit in nearly four years and in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, it was hoped that the gathering would offer an important political signal by EU leaders that the recovery would be an inclusive and fair one.

While all 27 heads of governments committed themselves to EU social targets on jobs, skills and poverty reduction, there were clear points of tension. In this dialogue, Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and Maria João Rodrigues will reflect on the outcomes of the Porto Social Summit, their expectations for the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan and its place in the recovery, and the next steps for Social Europe.

The discussion will be moderated by Aileen McLeod, Associate Director, EPC, with comments by Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Programme, Egmont Institute.


Nicolas Schmit

European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

Maria João Rodrigues

President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies

Aileen McLeod

Associate Director, EPC (moderator)




Please click here to register.


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(Photo credit: European Commission)