Energy Transition by 2050: A multifaceted Challenge for Europe


Egmont Palace, Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute and D Group.

Building on successful conferences in 2010 and 2011 as well as on a preparatory Expert Seminar (held on 28 March 2012), Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations and the Development Group organised the 3rd International Energy Conference focussing on the multifaceted challenge of the Energy Transition of Europe by 2050. Nearly 90 participants from European Parliament and Commission, the energy industry, associations, think tanks, Permanent Representations of several countries to the EU etc. discussed the contribution of the energy sector to the EU transition towards a low carbon economy – with a specific focus on the EU Energy Road­map 2050.


The presentations of the speakers can be downloaded here-under:

Keynote address
Prof. Samuele FURFARI (Professor of “geopolitics’ of energy”, Free University of Brussels)

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Session 1: A low carbon energy mix: What are the core energy resources for the transition?

Energy Roadmap 2050 – How do we seize opportunities of the transition to a low carbon energy system, while avoiding pitfalls on the way?

Dr. Tudor CONSTANTINESCU (Principal Advisor, European Commission, DG Energy)

The future role of natural gas – Backbone of the energy transition or only back-up for renewable energy sources?
Dr. Gerhard KÖNIG  (Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors ,Wingas and Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Wintershall)

Energy transition by 2050 – The role of large scale solar photovoltaics 
David WORTMANN (Vice President, Public Affairs, North and Eastern Europe, First Solar GmbH)

What is the contribution of nuclear energy as a low carbon energy source? In fine, are renewable and nuclear energies compatible?

Jean-Pol PONCELET (Director General, FORATOM)

Chair: Karel BECKMAN (Editor, European Energy Review)


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Jean Pol Poncelet, David Wortmann, Dr. Gerhard König, Dr. Tudor Constantinescu (Adviser DG ENER), Prof. Samuele Furfari (l.t.r.)
Session 2: The transition towards a new energy system: What are the necessary energy infrastructures and technologies? 

The EU policy for developing clean energy technologies
Norela CONSTANTINESCU  (European Commission, DG Energy)

How to successfully develop and deploy new clean technologies at the EU level?
Charles SOOTHILL (Senior Vice-President Technology, ALSTOM Power)

Energy infrastructure –Perspective by 2050
Catharina SIKOW-MAGNY (European Commission, DG Energy)

Long term optimal use of top-down, bottom-up and horizontal energy in EUMENA
Paul VAN SON (Chief Executive Officer, Dii GmbH)

Chair: Karel BECKMAN (Editor, European Energy Review)

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Catherina Sikow-Magny (EC, DG ENER), Charles Soothill, Norela Constantinescu (EC DG ENER), Karel Beckman (Editor European Energy Review), Paul van Son (l.t.r.)
Session 3: What levels of governance are required, and whart are both the responsibility and the contribution of the private sector?

Towards a European Energy Community for the 21st century
Jerzy BUZEK (Member and Former President of the European Parliament)

What is the responsibility but also the contribution from the private sector to the energy transition? 
Mike DIEKMANN  (Senior Vice President, Gas Purchase West, VNG – Verbundnetz Gas AG)

How to develop a long-term European framework together with all stakeholders
Dr. Susanne NIES  (Head of Energy Policy & Generation Unit, EURELECTRIC)

Challenges for energy-intensive sector: An industrial consumer’s perspective
Dr. Peter BOTSCHEK  (European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic))

Chair: Arne MOGREN (Programme Director Power, European Climate Foundation)

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Dr. Peter Botschek, Dr. Susanne Nies, Mike Diekmann, Jerzy Buzek and Arne Mogren (European Climate Foundation) (l.t.r.)


The pictures of the Conference can be found at the following address:


We would like to acknowledge once again all the speakers, participants and sponsors:


Premium Sponsor

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Industry Sponsors

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(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)