
Egmont papers

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Returnees: who are they, why are they (not) coming back and how should we deal with them? Assessing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

Some 5000 men, women and children have travelled from Europe to Syria and Iraq since 2012. An estimated 1500 of these foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) have returned so far. Belgium, […]


Measuring transatlantic burden-sharing

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8bis, Brussels

In the run up to the NATO Brussels Summit, Egmont is teaming up with the Center for Strategic and International Studies to shed light on one of the most difficult […]

Towards a world without nuclear tests : Fulfilling the promise

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon, 8bis, 1000 Brussels

More than 20 years ago, the world took a decisive step to ban nuclear tests forever: the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) was opened for signature. The Treaty foresees a definitive […]