
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXV, Issue 4 (2012)

-European External Action Service: towards the 2013 review, Hylke Dijkstra -High level representation, Marc Franco -The high-level representation of the EU in the G20, Juha Jokela -Reviewing the EU’s crisis […]


The EU Global Strategy: Implications for Russia

On invitation only

Last November in Moscow, Egmont and the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE/RAS) launched a joint publication on the impact of the EU’s Global Strategy on […]

The Military Balance 2018

On invitation only

On the occasion of the publication of the The Military Balance 2018 of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS, London), Egmont has the pleasure of inviting you to an […]

Chinese investment in Europe: a country-level approach

On invitation only

Chinese investments in Europe have surged in recent years, becoming both a source of anticipation and growing concern across the continent. As China continues to grow, develop, and integrate in […]