
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXV, Issue 1 (2012): The European Security System Revisited

– The European Security System Revisited: EU-Russia relations, Margriet Drent – The European Security System as seen from Moscow, Dmitry Danilov – German-Russian relations. A Pan-European mission as national interest, […]


The Geopolitics of the Arab Spring

On invitation only

The Arab Spring, which has brought hope to a generation that has rejected authoritarianism and corruption, has affected, to a different degree, all countries of the Arab world. Internal political […]

European Union in International Affairs IV (EUIA)

Palais des Académies, rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels

As the single major stopover of the academic conference circuit in Brussels, this multidisciplinary event represents the premium venue at which international