
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXII, Issue 4 (2009): The external dimension of the EU Sustainable development strategy – Proceedings of the conference held in Brussels on 28 January 2009

?Theme 1 : The link between climate change, finance for sustainable development and human and environmental security in developing countries and the adequacy of EU assistance to developing countries – […]


The global arms industry: new data, trends and global developments

Karel Van Miert Building, Room Rome & Lisbon (floor -1), Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Brussels

On the occasion of the launch of the new SIPRI data on the international arms industry, the  Egmont Institute, the Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and […]

Closing Lecture: Europe, Geopolitics and Strategy

Castle Val Duchesse, 1160 Ouderghem, Brussels

Europe is the continent that gave birth to geopolitics. It is the idea that geography affects the conduct of international politics. The idea is not without controversy. But does a […]

The EU as a Security Provider

On invitation only

University Foundation, Brussels The European Union is faced with security challenges and risks outside and inside Europe. Recent events around the rise of the Islamic State have once more proven […]