
Studia Diplomatica

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Vol. LXII, Issue 4 (2009): The external dimension of the EU Sustainable development strategy – Proceedings of the conference held in Brussels on 28 January 2009

?Theme 1 : The link between climate change, finance for sustainable development and human and environmental security in developing countries and the adequacy of EU assistance to developing countries – […]


Think-Tank Platform National Security

On invitation only

On 1 December 2021, the National Security Council adopted Belgium’s first National Security Strategy (NSS). During the drafting process, Egmont, at the request of the Strategic Committee for Intelligence and […]

A Strategic Compass for Military Intervention

On invitation only

The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) was created to enable the European Union to conduct autonomous military operations outside Europe. Military intervention – the strategy guiding it, the level […]