
Egmont papers

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Returnees: who are they, why are they (not) coming back and how should we deal with them? Assessing policies on returning foreign terrorist fighters in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

Some 5000 men, women and children have travelled from Europe to Syria and Iraq since 2012. An estimated 1500 of these foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) have returned so far. Belgium, […]


Iraq: from dictatorship to Democracy


Conference with H.E. Hoshiar Zebari, Minister of F.A. of Iraq – Speech | The Q&A session, Opening address by K. De Gucht, (Photo credit: familymwr, Flickr)  

Les grandes lignes d’une stratégie pour changer l’Afrique


Conference with Mr. Ousmane SY, Lauréat du Prix International Roi Baudouin pour le Développement 2004-2005, Directeur du Centre d’Expertise Politique et Institutionnelle en Afrique, Coordinator régional du Réseau Dialogue sur […]