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Human Rights matter more than ever in the Covid-19 era

In this commentary, Egmont senior researcher and affiliated senior researcher with the Leuven Institute of Criminology (University of Leuven) Valérie Arnould examines the human rights challenges the Covid-19 crisis poses […]


Diplomacy at the service of Peace

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon, 8bis, 1000 Brussels

By Staffan de Mistura, Former Under-Secretary-General, UN Special Envoy for Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon He will share with us his experience as special UN envoy in his successive peace missions […]

Burundi – Trapped Democracy

On invitation only

Book launch. Former Burundian President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya discussed his new book, “Burundi: Democratie Piégée”, with Professor Stef Vandeginste (University of Antwerp) and Mrs Charlene Muco (Université Catholique de Louvain). The […]