Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Egmont Institute : Belgium at the Centre – of which Europe ?

On invitation only

On the occasion of its 70th Anniversary, the Egmont-Royal Institute for International Relations will organize a special event to celebrate its past achievements and pave the way for the ones to come.

Read the booklet about the Institute.  View the photogallery.


“Belgium at the Centre – Of Which Europe?”

in presence of H. M. King Philippe




Etienne Davignon, Chairman of the Egmont Institute.

Opening remarks:

Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs.

Panel debate joined by:

Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President, European Commission

Christine Defraigne, President of the Belgian Senate

Bernard Gilliot, President of the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (VBO-FEB)

Paul Dujardin, Chief Executive Officer – Artistic Director, BOZAR

Anick Van Calster, Director General, DG Bilateral relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Read her keynote address here.


Panel moderated by Annelies Beck, VRT

The conference will be followed by a reception.