A Concert of Rivals?

Webinar 16.00-17.30 (Brussels Time)

Organisation: Egmont Institute

Watch the recording of the webinar on Youtube


Diplomacy in pursuit of peace and security is under pressure from a number of corners—global tensions between and among the US, Russia, Europe and China, the persistence of conflicts in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Africa, transnational non-state actors, the rise of authoritarianism, and the closing space for civil society. At the same time, global alliances have frayed and the return to the international liberal order seems elusive in this fractured world. Faced with these challenges, how can serious threats to world order be addressed? Who can address them? Is collaboration on peace and conflict diplomacy possible anymore? To answer these questions, the Egmont Institute will bring together experts and practitioners from Africa, Canada, Europe, Russia and the United States for a lively discussion on diplomatic options for peacemaking and conflict management in the near future.

The webinar coincides with the publication of Diplomacy and the Future of World Order, edited by Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson and Pamela Aall, and will feature a number of authors from that book as well as experts from the Egmont Institute.



Welcome & chair: Sven Biscop

Opening remarks: Fen Hampson, Carleton University

Short comments on big take-aways: Chester A. Crocker, Georgetown University & Pamela Aall, United States Institute of Peace


Daniel Benjamin, American Academy in Berlin

Ana Palacio, Palacio y Asociados

Nina Wilén, Egmont & Lund University

Dmitri Trenin, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


(Photo credit: Photo by Gerd Altmann, Pixabay)