A Strategic Compass for Military Intervention

On invitation only

The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) was created to enable the European Union to conduct autonomous military operations outside Europe. Military intervention – the strategy guiding it, the level of ambition, the forces required – is at the heart of the debate on the Strategic Compass, therefore.

This expert seminar, co-organised by the Slovenian Presidency of the EU and the Egmont Institute, will address the two key dimensions of military intervention.

Panel 1 will look at strategy, notably for Europe’s eastern and southern flank. What are the scenarios in which the EU’s interests can compel it to legitimately consider military intervention, following a 360 degrees approach? What is the right balance between executive operations and training and assistance missions in a region where other powers are increasingly militarily active? And how does Europe’s military presence fit in an integrated regional approach?

Panel 2 will assess the military level of ambition. Is the brigade (a 5000-strong “initial entry force”) the right focus for EU operations on the southern and eastern flank? Can the CROC project under PESCO be a way to constitute a modular force package of deployable and sustainable brigades? Which role for maritime, air, and C4ISR assets? What would be the respective roles of the EU and NATO?

The seminar will be held in English – The Chatham House Rule will apply



08.45–09.15 Arrival & Registration

09.15–09.45 Welcome & Introduction

Uroš Lampret, State Secretary Ministry of Defence, Slovenia

Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Egmont Institute & Ghent University

09.45–11.15 Panel 1: Strategy

Chair: Sven Biscop

  • Jean-Pierre van Aubel, EEAS
  • Dina Giluce, Senior Expert (EU Issues) from the Defence Policy Department, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia
  • Captain Alberto Rutteri, Italian Permanent Representation to the EU, Italy
  • Dr. Nina Wilén, Egmont Institute & Lund University

11.15–11.45             Coffee

11.45–13.15 Panel 2: Forces

Chair: Sven Biscop

  • Colonel Gil Rostain, France
  • Brigadier General David Humar, Slovenia
  • Colonel Thomas Lowin, Section Head Operations, German Military Representative to the EU, Brussels, Germany
  • Rear Admiral Saturnino Suanzes, Head of the Strategy Division, Spanish Joint Command, Spain


13.15–14.30 Light Lunch



(Photo credit: Oscar Villar, Flickr)