Anticipating the post-ISIS landscape

Conference from 17:00 - 19:00 (registration starts at 16:30) - Fully booked

Fondation Universitaire, 11 rue d'Egmont, Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute

Terrorism tends to evolve in waves. The ISIS brand of terrorism is bound to wane too. It has lost much of its territory, income and tens of thousands of fighters. Its media output has decreased significantly. But what comes next? The preconditions for its success in most of continents are still in place. Will another organization gain from ISIS’s decline – or will its virtual caliphate continue to inspire new recruits? Will it go underground and wait for chances to attack? Will lone actors be the face of a new wave of terrorism? Or will juvenile delinquency fill the void? Or will enduring polarization boost other forms of political violence and terrorism?

David Malet, Director of the Security Policy Studies Program, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, USA
Daniel Heinke, Chief of Detectives and Director, State Bureau of Investigation at the Bremen State Police; and Adjunct professor for terrorism studies, HfÖV Bremen, Germany
Bibi Van Ginkel, Senior Research Fellow at the Clingendael Institute; and Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorim (ICCT), The Hague, The Netherlands
Hugo Micheron, PhD candidate, Centre des Relations Internationales (CERI), Sciences-Po Paris, France
Rik Coolsaet, Senior Associate Fellow, Egmont Institute

(Photo credit: 3aref 6ari2o Flickr)