Challenges and Opportunities in Beekeeping

Challenges and Opportunities in Beekeeping

With emphasis on Biodiversity and Development Cooperation opportunities in Africa


Last year, on the initiative of Slovenia, the UN General Assembly declared 20 May as World Bee Day. Belgium joins Slovenia in celebrating its first anniversary.

Slovenians have always been a nation of beekeepers. The bee, in particular the Carniolan honey bee, is part of Slovenian national identity. There are five beekeepers per 1,000 inhabitants, which places Slovenia at the top of the world in terms of beekeepers per head of population.

Our panelists will discuss the importance of beekeeping, its opportunities and challenges, both from a domestic and global perspective, including biodiversity and environmental aspects. Special attention will be paid to the development potential of beekeeping for African nations and the knowledge  transfer which this will require.




15.30   Registration

16.00   Opening remarks

H.E. Ambassador Johan Verbeke, Director General, Egmont

H.E. Dr. Rado Genorio, Ambassador of Slovenia to Belgium

World bee day as an opportunity to address global challenges in beekeeping

Keynote speech by Dr. Peter Kozmus, vice-president of Apimondia Apiculture World Organization

Importance of Technology and Quality in beekeeping

Bruneau Etienne, Apimondia Scientific Commission on Technology and Quality

Sustainable Development as a Driver to Save the Bees

Janez Potocnik, UNEP co-chair of the International Resource Panel (IRP), Former European Union Commissioner for the Environment

The role of Bee Pollinators in the context of the EU biodiversity policy

Stefan Leiner, Head of Unit, DG Environment, EU Commission

Concluding remarks

 H.E. Dr. Rado Genorio, Ambassador of Slovenia to Belgium

17.30   End