Challenges in the age of terror: counter-terrorism agenda for Europe

On invitation only

Terrorism is without a doubt one of the key security challenges to Europe. In recent years, a growing number of European citizens have radicalized and associated with jihadi groups, in Europe or travelling to Syria. This serious challenge must be tackled by EU member states, but also at the pan-European level, with the support of EU institutions. Initiated by the Antall József Knowledge Centre, in partnership with the Egmont Institute and the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, this seminar brings together EU and national policy-makers and scholars to discuss counter-terrorism options.



9:00                 Registration

9:30                 Welcoming Remarks

Thomas Renard  Senior Research Fellow, Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations


9:40      Keynote on European security challenges in the Age of Terror

Gilles de Kerchove  EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator


10:00    Panel discussion: Strengthening the internal resilience of the EU against terrorist threats

Christian Ehler  Vice-Chair, Security and Defence Sub-committee, European Parliament (tbc)

Wil Van Gemert  Deputy Director, Operations Department, EUROPOL, The Hague

Michèle Coninsx  President of Eurojust and Chair of Eurojust’s Counter-Terrorism Team, The Hague

Peter Neumann  Professor of Security Studies at the Department of War Studies, Kings College London

Moderator: Thomas Renard, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations

10:40                Q&A session


11:00                Coffee Break


11:30                Panel Discussion: The Counter-Terrorism efforts of the Member States

Ákos Treszkai  First Lieutenant, Counter-Terrorism Centre, Hungary

Anders Malver Ministry for Justice, Denmark

Frank Arnauts  Head of Counter-Terrorism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belgium

Oldrich Bures  Head of the Centre for Security Studies, Metropolitan University, Czech Republic (tbc)

Moderator:  Ingrid Habets, Senior Research Officer, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

12:10                Q & A Session


12:30                Closing Remarks

Ildikó Voller Szenci, Head of Brussels Office, Antall József Knowledge Centre


12: 45               Buffet Lunch


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(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)