Chinese investments in Europe: Comparing perceptions across Western and Central Europe

On invitation only

With the overall volume of the Chinese investments in Europe still rising, it becomes more politically sensitive topic. Our speakers will look in detail on the scope, trends and political aspects of investments in the EU and in the second panel on different perceptions of the direct investments across European regions. What is the difference in perception of the countries involved in the 16+1 format? Is there a unified European strategy towards Chinese
investments? And is there a unified Chinese strategy towards the EU?


14:00 Registration

14:30 Keynote speech

Philippe Duponteil, Head of Unit for China in DG Trade

14:45 – 16:00 Panel 1: Chinese investments: detailing the issue
Rudolf Furst, Institute for International Relations, Czech Republic
Amanda Rohde, Friends of Europe, Belgium
Weinian Hu, CEPS, Belgium
Cindy Dubois, Itinera, Belgium
Moderation: Thomas Renard, The Egmont Institute, Belgium

16:00 – 16:15 Coffee break

16:15 – 17:30 Panel 2: Raising to the challenge: Comparing perceptions across Western and Central Europe
Tobias Gehrke, The Egmont Institute, Belgium
Justyna Szczudlik, PISM, Poland
Rudolf Furst, Institute for International Relations, Czech Republic
Moderation: Alexandr Lagazzi, EUROPEUM, Czech Republic