Communicating in Crisis or Crisis in Communicating

On invitation only

The Permanent representation of Poland to the European Union has the honour to invite you to a debate on communicating in times of crisis. The event is proudly organized in cooperation with Egmont, the Royal Institute for international relations. It will be held in English, and will be followed by a cocktail offered by the Ambassador Marek Prawda, Poland’s Permanent Representative to the EU.

Chair : Athur Habant, Spokesman of the Polish Representation to the EU

Reijo Kemppinen, Director General for Communication in the Council of the EU

Jacek Safuta, Chief of Information Office of the European Parliament in Poland, former correspondent of the Polish Press Agency

Fabian Willermain, Research Fellow at Egmont Institut

Wawrzyniec Smoczynski, Managing Director, Polityka Insignt

Michael Mann, Head of Strategic Communications at the European External Action Service

Pablo Rodriguez Suanzes,  Correspondent El Mundo

Please register before 30 November 2015 at :


(Photo credit: Alain Schroeder, Reporters Press Agency)