Corona, Coercion, Conflict? An Assessment of the EU’s Strategic Situation

On invitation only

The EU went into the year 2022 with a security crisis on its eastern flank, as a result (once more) of Russia’s aggressive pursuit of a sphere of interest. Simultaneously, Russian interference exacerbates the security problems in the EU’s southern periphery. Russia also undertakes “hybrid” actions against the EU on a permanent basis, as does China, which has also contributed to rising international tensions by increasing pressure on Taiwan.

These acute tensions are set against the backdrop of the ongoing corona crisis, which has aggravated existing negative trends in international politics: growing rivalry between the great powers, a weakening of multilateralism, a questioning of globalisation, a further weakening of already weak states. Meanwhile, Europe’s major ally, the US, while fully engaged in European security, has prioritised its competition with China.

This expert seminar will assess the overall strategic situation of the EU, starting with a perspective from the Baltic States and Poland, by way of contribution to the ongoing debate on the Strategic Compass of the EU.

Questions for discussion include:

  • How can the EU contribute most effectively to the protection of the citizens and territory of its Member States?
  • Can the EU deter “hybrid” actions?
  • Will the Strategic Compass serve as the basis for a renewed transatlantic strategic consensus?
  • Which role should the EU play in the dynamic between the US, China, and Russia?



14.30              Welcome by Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Egmont & Ghent University &  Ambassador Rita Kazragiene, Ambassy of Lithuania

14.45              Panel Discussion chaired by Sven Biscop

  • Kalev Stoicescu, Research Fellow at the International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn
  • Dr. Margarita Šešelgyt?, Director of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University
  • Lukasz Jurczyszyn, Director of Brussels Office of Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM)
  • Imants Liegis, Senior Fellow at the Latvian Institute for International Affairs, former Ambassador to NATO and France, former Minister of Defense

15.45              Debate

16.30              Closing Remarks

16.45              Reception


Participation by invitation only – Working language English

The Chatham House Rule applies


COVID-19 Certificate required 



(Photo credit: Wikipedia)