The Crime-Terror Nexus in Belgium and Luxembourg

Conference from 15:30-18:30

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon, 8bis, Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute

It has become common to point out the connections that exist between criminality and terrorism. In Belgium, like elsewhere, we have witnessed petty criminals (as well as grand bandits) joining terror groups in Syria. In addition to personal trajectories from criminality to terrorism, often leading to a singular morphing of these activities, there are also documented interactions between terrorist networks and criminal ones, for instance to acquire weapons or falsified identity documents. During this event, we will explore in further details the so-called ‘crime-terror’ nexus in Belgium and Luxembourg, based on a report prepared by the Crime-Terror Nexus Project.




15h30: Registration

16h: Beginning of conference


Thomas Renard, Senior Fellow, Egmont Institute


Peter Neumann, Professor at King’s College London; Director of ICSR; and OSCE Chairman’s Special Representative on Countering Violent Radicalisation

Rajan Basra, Research Fellow at ICSR

Frédéric Van Leeuw, Federal Prosecutor, Belgium

17h30: Cocktail reception

18h30: End