Industrial Defence Policies in Europe. Ambitions for the defence sector

High level conference from 9.00 to 17.30

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8, 1000 Brussels

Organisation: CEIS and Egmont Institute

High level conference which gathers key actors from both civilian and military backgrounds to exchange ideas and discuss the future of the security and defence policies in Europe.

Defence issues have recently featured prominently on the European agenda. This was underscored in December 2013 by the dedication of a European Council to Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), for the first time in six years. European Institutions and Member States seem ready to act to sustain this very specific domain. The defence market is not like other markets: the defence demand is driven solely by governments, while the defence supply consists of a limited number of companies providing high level of technological innovation. Therefore, the impact of national and international ambitions – coupled with the need for operational autonomy – drives all initiatives in the sector, making it a challenge for the elaboration of policies at the European level. While it remains difficult to predict what the European defence and security sector will look like in the next 20 to 30 years it is clear that its added value in terms of autonomy – but also in terms of economical and social benefits – is key for European societies.

In this context, this year’s conference aims at stimulating the debate to define our level of ambition for European defence and, as a result, to adapt the Defence Technological and Industrial Base (DTIB) that will be key to maintain capabilities, technologies and jobs in Europe. Read more.

Programme: click here.   –  Conference report: click here.

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(Photo credit: SecDef14)