Measuring transatlantic burden-sharing

Seminar from 16:30-18:30 - Fully booked

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8bis, Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute and the Center for Strategic and International Studies

In the run up to the NATO Brussels Summit, Egmont is teaming up with the Center for Strategic and International Studies to shed light on one of the most difficult debates haunting transatlantic relations: how to share the burden of keeping Europe whole, free and at peace. Not only does this debate involve important questions of political commitment and security investment, it also raises methodological considerations on how such contributions can be measured accurately and communicated effectively. This seminar will address a number of issues, including:

  • An in-depth analysis of a new CSIS report on allied and partner contributions to NATO and European security.
  • Additional ways to measure security investment in NATO beyond the standard metric of 2 percent of GDP spent on defence.
  • Shortcomings in publicly-available security data on NATO investment.
  • What to expect from the 2018 NATO Summit.



-16:00-16:30: Registration

-16:30-18:30: Seminar

Chair: Alexander Mattelaer, Egmont Institute


– Kathleen Hicks, Senior Vice President, Henry A. Kissinger Chair, and Director of the International Security Program, CSIS

Jeffrey Rathke, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of the Europe Program, CSIS

Jonathan Parish, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, NATO HQ

Teri Schultz, freelance reporter covering NATO and EU news

Please register by Friday 29 June

(Photo credit: NATO, Flickr)