Multinational corporations in a geopolitically dynamic world. How to shape Business Diplomacy competencies in practice

On invitation only

Goal of the seminar

The globalization of markets since the 1980s has increasingly forced firms to operate internationally. This tendency has been reinforced in the West by the contraction of domestic markets provoked by the economic and financial crisis: the economic survival of many firms is predicated on their international activities. But being internationally active also means that firms are exposing themselves to a broad range of geopolitical and other non-commercial risks.

This expert-practitioner seminar will bring together businessmen, experts and other practitioners to deepen the understanding of how MNCS can shape Business Diplomacy competencies. Moving away from a purely shareholders approach to a stakeholders approach is a necessity in this geopolitically dynamic world. Firms will need executives with skill sets similar to those of effective diplomats. It is only by adopting a more ‘diplomatic mind set’ provided by Business Diplomacy that a company will be able to manage ever-expanding international risks, safeguard its profit-making and secure in the long haul its existence.

Participation is free of charge, but as places are limited, registration is required with

For the programme, click here.

(Global energy enterprise Saudi Aramco, through its affiliate Aramco Overseas Company based in The Hague, is a sponsoring partner of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and co-sponsor of this seminar)
