Returnees in the Maghreb: A European perspective (FULLY BOOKED)

Egmont Palace, 8bis Petit Sablon Square, Brussels

Organisation: The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Egmont Institute

Countries of the Maghreb have seen an unprecedented number of citizens travel to Syria and Iraq, to fight along jihadi groups. A number of these fighters have already returned, posing a number of security challenges. Others are still in the Levant, and could constitute a long-term security liability. This event will discuss this challenge from a European perspective – what are the risks and challenges of a strengthening of jihadi movements in the region? It will also reflect on the contribution of the EU in the region, in terms of counter-terrorism and counter-radicalization.


10h: Registration

10h30: Welcoming remarks by Denis Schrey

10h35: Introduction by Thomas Renard, author of a study on “Returnees in the Maghreb”

10h50: Comments by Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator  (CONFIRMED)

11h10: Discussion

12h: End




(Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)