Security in Asia: facts and perceptions about the EU’s role

Conference from 16.00 to 17.30

Egmont Palace, Room Arenberg

Organisation: Egmont Institute and Freie Universität Berlin

Asia is facing a great number of security challenges, traditional ones such as border disputes but also less traditional ones. Although some of these challenges can be addressed primarily and directly by regional players, extra-regional powers could still carve a role for themselves in the region. In this context, what could be the European Union’s contribution to Asian security?

This conference will review the basic principles of security cooperation between Asian countries, the EU and its member states. Speakers will define the EU’s global security ambitions, and how they translate in the region. They will also discuss how Asians view the EU as a security actor. This conference builds on the main findings of a multi-year project conducted by the Free University of Berlin.


15.30 Registration

16.00 Discussion

May-Britt Stumbaum, Director NFG Research Group,  Freie Universität Berlin

Michito Tsuruoka, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) in Tokyo, Japan

Alfredo Conte, Head of the Strategic Planning Division in the EEAS

Moderator: Thomas Renard, Senior Research Fellow, Egmont Institute

17.30: End of discussion


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Registration before 6 February is mandatory.

(Photo credit: EU Naval Force Media and Public Information Office, Flickr)