The European elections: what is at stake for the citizen?


Egmont Palace

Organisation: Egmont Institute


Exactly two months prior to the European elections, the Egmont Institute organised a large-scale event focussed on the European issues that genuinely touch the citizen. What are the elections really about for them? And, which fundamental policy choices will have to be made during the European Parliament’s upcoming term? These and other questions were at the heart of this conference. The event also marked the launch of the Egmont Institute’s series of publications on the European elections. More information about the project can be found on our project webpage.


Start: 17:30

  • Welcome by Étienne Davignon, President of the Egmont Institute
  • Presentation by Ian Barber, Eurobarometer
  • Panel discussion with:
    • Philippe de Schoutheete, former Belgian Permanent Representative to the EU;
    • Pierre Defraigne, Executive Director of Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation;
    • Adriana Cerretelli, Europe correspondent at Il Sole 24 Ore.
  • Debate with the audience, and with the participation of several authors participating in the Egmont project “The Citizen and the European Elections”

End: 19:30

(Photo credit: © Egmont Institute)