The European digital transformation and data economy: Challenges and opportunities for Belgium

Seminar (From 8:30 to 14:00)

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8bis, 1000 Brussels

Organisation: The FPS Economy, the FPS Foreign Affairs / the Digital Task Force and the Egmont Institute


It is no longer possible to ignore the digital transformation which impacts us all and deeply changes economy and society. Data has now become the new essential enabler in the development of a European and global digital economy.

Therefore, data economy is critical for all European Union’s initiatives related to digital infrastructures.

The European Commission is currently on the verge of implementing its Digital Strategy “Europe fit for the digital age” which will address, among other things:

  • data economy and data sharing,
  • artificial intelligence,
  • Digital Services Act,
  • platform regulation,
  • funding through the Digital Europe Programme, and
  • the Green Deal which will be closely linked to the digital field.



You are invited to learn about the European Commission’s intentions concerning the Digital Strategy “Europe fit for the digital age” which will include in particular the data economy. You will find out how these intentions may impact your organization or business.

Thanks to the interventions and the thematic panels focusing on different data economy aspects and on promising sectors for Belgium (health, mobility, telecommunications…), it will be easier for you to understand what this concept means, as well as the diversity of themes and issues involved.

During the seminar you will get the opportunity to have informal discussions with the relevant officials of the FPS Economy and the Digital Task Force.



Participation is free but registration is compulsory.

Registration through this registration form.

Deadline for registration:  Wednesday, March 4th, 2020.

For more information about registration:

For more information about the programme:  




Voor de Nederlandse versie / La version françaiseProgramma / Programme.


(Photo credit:, CC0 public domain)