The Military Balance 2019

Seminar from 17.30-19.00

Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS, London)

On the occasion of the publication of The Military Balance 2019 of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS, London), Egmont has the pleasure of inviting you to an expert seminar with Dr Bastian Giegerich (Director of Defence and Military Analysis, IISS), Douglas Barrie (Senior Fellow for Military Aerospace, IISS), Dr Lucie Beraud-Sudreau (Research Fellow for Defence Economics and Procurement, IISS), Henry Boyd (Research Fellow for Defence and Military Analysis, IISS), Nick Childs (Senior Fellow for Naval Forces and Maritime Security, IISS), and James Hackett (Editor of The Military Balance & Senior Fellow for Defence and Military Analysis, IISS).

The seminar will be chaired by Prof. Dr Sven Biscop (Egmont & Ghent University).

(Photo credit: