Towards a world without nuclear tests : Fulfilling the promise

Conference from 17.00 - 18.30

Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon, 8bis, 1000 Brussels

Organisation: Egmont Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

More than 20 years ago, the world took a decisive step to ban nuclear tests forever: the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) was opened for signature. The Treaty foresees a definitive end to all nuclear explosions, under the control of a new international organisation.

In 2018, the world is still waiting for eight States to join the Treaty so it can enter into force. While almost all nations respect a voluntary moratorium on nuclear testing, one State, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, still conducts nuclear tests.

Despite the delay, the CTBT remains an irreplaceable instrument for the international non-proliferation regime. Tests allow new countries to acquire the nuclear weapon. They allow existing nuclear weapon states to develop new and deadlier types of weapons. Their environmental impact can be devastating. A test ban is a necessary step on the path towards a nuclear weapon free world.

Join us for a discussion on how to effectively end nuclear weapon explosions. Hear how a provisional organisation, the CTBTO, is already fully active and how it is making sure that no nuclear explosion can go undetected. The CTBTO’s worldwide network of monitoring stations is being used for scientific data collection. It is also providing information for tsunami warning centres.


16.15   Registration and security check


Welcome Words
Johan Verbeke, Director-General, Egmont Institute

Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of the European Commission
Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of Belgium 

Keynote speech
Lassina Zerbo, Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Sha Zukang, Ambassador, People’s Republic of China’s chief negotiator of  the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test- Ban Treaty
Jawad al-Chlaihawi, Ambassador of Iraq in Brussels

CTBTO Youth group at the Science

Q & A session

Johan Verbeke, Director-General, Egmont Institute

18.30   End


(Photo credit: Pixabay)