European Union in International Affairs IV (EUIA)

Palais des Académies, rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels

As the single major stopover of the academic conference circuit in Brussels, this multidisciplinary event represents the premium venue at which international

The UN Security Council : Is it bankrupt?

Residence Palace, Polak Hall,155 Rue de la Loi (Metro Schumann), 1040 Brussels

Our guest speaker will be H.E. Mr. David Malone, Rector of the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. The conference will be chaired by Mr. […]

The voting behaviour of Belgian MEPs during key votes

On invitation only

Launch of the publication by the Egmont Institute on the voting behaviour by Belgian MEPs during 16 key votes in the past legislature. This publication is part of a pan-European […]