
As a member of the Institute you will be part of a high-level group of individuals and organizations interested in international relations.

Individual membership

All individuals with a passion for international relations in all its dimensions (diplomacy, defence, trade, development, human rights), at the Belgian, European and global level, may have an interest in joining the Egmont Institute, be they academics, diplomats, military, officials, journalists, students or engaged in civil society.

As a member you will be automatically invited to all the Institute’s public events, featuring key decision-makers and eminent analysts, and be alerted to our new publications.

Individual membership is free of charge: provide your data here to instantaneously join the Brussels hub for the study of international relations.

Embassy membership

Specifically designed for diplomatic missions in Brussels, Embassy membership, in addition to automatic invitations to all public events and alerts to all online publications, allows you to:

  • Have direct access to the unique Egmont network of expertise
  • Organize closed roundtables for an exchange of views in a discrete environment
  • Partner with the Institute on issues of shared interest (e.g. through public events or research projects)

Embassy membership has to be renewed for each new calendar year.

Please complete the application form.