Bart Dessein

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)9 264 39 90; +32 (0)9 264 41 56

Modern and contemporary history of China, Chinese political philosophy, and New Confucianism


Prof. dr. Bart Dessein (PhD in Oriental Languages and Cultures, Ghent University 1994) is full professor at the Department of Languages and Cultures of Ghent University, where he is the head of the research group ‘East Asian Culture in Perspective: Identity, Historical Consciousness, Modernity’. His research concerns, among others, modern and contemporary history of China, Chinese political philosophy, and New Confucianism. He has published on the history of China’s international relations as well as on contemporary China issues, in European and in Chinese journals, and he has contributed to volumes on these topics published by, among others, Palgrave and Routledge. Bart Dessein is Fellow Member of the ‘Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences’ (Belgium) and Vice-Director of the ‘School for Comparative Philosophy’ (Antwerp). He also is Honorary Professor at Liaoning University and Guest Professor at Shanghai University. Since 2016, he is the President of the ‘European Association for Chinese Studies’.