David Criekemans

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)472 22 35 96


Geopolitics (theoretical and practical), foreign policy (EU, Belgium, Flanders and comparative), security and defence, diplomacy


Prof. dr. David Criekemans was born in Antwerp, Belgium (1974). He obtained a Master degree in International Politics at the University of Antwerp (UIA) in 1996, and became European Master of Public Administration at the KULeuven, in 1997. In 2005 he defended his PhD at the University of Antwerp on the intellectual history of Geopolitics (1890-2005) and its relation to Theory of International Relations. The manuscript was published with the Belgian scientific publisher Garant under the title “Geopolitiek, ‘geografisch geweten’ van de buitenlandse politiek?”. After more than ten years this book is recognized as the standard work on geopolitical theory and its intellectual history in the Dutch-speaking language area. Recently, David Criekemans published a new book on Europe in the midst of a world in full geopolitical transition; “Geopolitieke Kanttekeningen 2011-2018, en daarna. Een wereld in volle geopolitieke transitie”, with the Belgian scientific publisher Gompel&Svacina.

Today, Prof. dr. David Criekemans is Associate Professor in ‘International Relations’ at the University of Antwerp (Belgium), Assistant Professor ‘International Relations & International Security’ at the University College Roosevelt (part of Utrecht University) in Middelburg (the Netherlands) and Senior Lecturer ‘Geopolitics’ at the Geneva Institute of Geopolitical Studies (GIGS) (Switzerland). In 2005, he established together with Prof. Dr. Gyula Csurgai the annual Summer Course in ‘Geopolitics’ in Geneva (GIGS), running each year in mid-July.
