Marc Franco

Senior Associate Fellow

+32 (0)477 72 83 15

EU diplomacy, Russia, North Africa, Middle East


Marc Franco was Adviser for EBRD in Egypt (2012) and previously Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation to Egypt (2009-2012) and Head of the European Commission’s Delegation to Russia (2004-2009). In his career at the European Commission, he held various positions including Deputy Director-General of the DG EuropeAid (2001-2004) and Director for the Cohesion Fund and Structural Pre-Accession Instrument in the DG for Regional Development (1998-2010). In the period 1990-1998 he was Head of Unit in the Department dealing with Enlargement. Before, he worked as a development economist, mainly concentrating on Africa and rural development. He started his career in the University of Leuven (1969-1971), continued as Associate Expert of the UN in Upper Volta and Senegal (1971-1975), as PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge (1975-1978) and as official of the European Commission (1978-1989).


  • “Mediterranean Tradition in Economic Thought”, in  D. Heremans, L. Berlage, S. {Parmentier (eds.) “The Global Village – Essays in Geo-Economics, International Migration, Global Finance and the Mediterranean Tradition” – The University Foundation, KULeuven IRO, Leuven, 2020 pp.125-134.
  • “Breuklijnen in de Europese Unie” in STREVEN, Cadeaunummer 2020, pp19-32.
  • “The European Union and its South and East Neighbours” in “The Common Foreign and Security Policy, Handbook for Decision Makers”, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of the Republic of Austria, Vienna, 2014. Pp106—121
  • “The Effectiveness of Institutional Arrangements in the European Union’s Relations with its Neighbours” In S. Gstöhl (ed.) “The European Neighbourhood Policy in a Comparative Perspective, Models, challenges, Lessons “,Routledge, London. pp.183-198.
