Nina Wilén


+32 (0)2 274 71 02

Security Sector Reform (SSR), the politics of peacekeeping operations and gender and the military


Nina Wilén is Director for the Africa Programme at the Egmont Institute for International Relations and Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Lund University. She is also a Global Fellow at the Peace Research Institute in Oslo (PRIO). Previously, she has had positions at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Antwerp University and the Royal Military Academy in Belgium. In 2015 she was a Visiting Researcher at Stellenbosch University and in 2017-2018 she was a visiting researcher at Lund University. Her research interests include conflict analysis and peace processes and the relation between sovereignty and intervention. More specifically she has been doing research on Security Sector Reform (SSR), the politics of peacekeeping operations and gender and the military. Geographically her research has been concentrated to Sub-Saharan Africa, where she has conducted fieldwork in Niger, Liberia, the DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and South Africa. She has published extensively on the challenges of peacebuilding and peace operations in a range of international academic journals such as Gender, Work and Organization, Third World Quarterly and Journal of Eastern African Studies. She is also the author of the book: Justifying Interventions in Africa: (De) Stabilizing Sovereignty in Liberia, Burundi and the Congo. Her forthcoming book with Cambridge University Press, is entitled “African Peacekeeping” and is co-authored with Prof. Jonathan Fisher. Since January 2020, Nina is the Editor-in-Chief for the academic journal: International Peacekeeping.




Between January 2021 and May 2021 Nina Wilén has participated as one of ten experts in the Belgian Defence’s Strategic Committee. The report which is the result of this Committee’s work is available here.


Wilén, Nina, “Female Peacekeeper’s Extra burden” in the conference:  “Women’s Meaningful Participation in Peace Operations”, organised by the Portugese Presidency of the European Council, 23 June 2021.


Wilén, Nina, Participating in Saferworld War pod: Recalibrating external missions to the Sahel, 18th of June


Wilén, Nina, “Women, gender, peace and security” in the framework of Diplomat Training in Niger, 10 June 2021, Niamey, Niger.


Nina Wilén & Sven Biscop, invited speakers on “the National Security Strategy in Belgium”, at ATHENA European Corporate Security Association, 10th May 2021,
