Peter Neumann

Senior Associate Fellow

Right-wing extremism, foreign fighters, radicalisation, terrorism, crime-terror nexus


Peter Neumann is a Senior Associate Fellow in the Europe in the World Programme, at the Egmont Institute. He is also a Professor of Security Studies at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, and served as Founding Director of its International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) from 2008 to 2018. In 2017, he was the OSCE’s Special Representative on Countering Violent Radicalisation.

Neumann’s latest book in English is Bluster: Donald Trump’s War on Terror which was published by Hurst and Oxford University Press in early 2020. Prior to this, he authored Radicalized: New Jihadists and the Threat to the West (IB Tauris, 2016), which originally came out as Die neuen Dschihadisten (Ullstein 2015) in German, and has been translated into several other languages. Other books include Old and New Terrorism (Polity Press, 2009); and The Strategy of Terrorism (with M.L.R. Smith) (Routledge, 2008).

Neumann has led research projects and written influential policy reports about the crime-terror nexus, online radicalization, foreign fighter networks, countering terrorist finance, terrorist defectors, and terrorist recruitment in Europe. Most recently, he co-authored “Prisons and Terrorism: Extremist Offender Management in 10 European Countries” (London: ICSR, 2020) with Rajan Basra.

In 2017, he was the OSCE’s Special Representative for Countering Violent Radicalisation. He has also advised the Club de Madrid, the association of former Presidents and Prime Ministers, since 2005, and served as a senior consultant for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations during the process of crafting UN Security Council Resolution 2178 on “Foreign Terrorist Fighters” in 2014. He has testified before a full session of the UN Security Council as well as several committees of the U.S. House of Representatives, the UK House of Commons, the German Bundestag, the Canadian House of Commons, and the European Parliament.