Stef Vandeginste

Senior Associate Fellow

stef.vandeginste [at]

Human rights, transitional justice, political transitions and consociational power-sharing, with a focus on Sub-Sahara Africa in general and Burundi in particular


Dr. Stef Vandeginste holds a master of laws (Catholic University of Leuven, 1990) and a PhD in law (University of Antwerp, 2009). Before joining academia, he worked for Amnesty International as researcher on Central Africa and as rule of law programme officer for the United Nations Development Programme in Rwanda. In his doctoral thesis, he analyzed the law, policy and practice of transitional justice in the aftermath of recurrent cycles of politico-ethnic violence in Burundi (published as Stones Left Unturned, Intersentia Publishers). He is a senior lecturer and programme director at the Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp, where he teaches in the advanced master on governance and development. His research interests include human rights, transitional justice, political transitions and consociational power-sharing, with a focus on Sub-Sahara Africa in general and Burundi in particular. He is the academic coordinator of the interuniversity cooperation programme of VLIR-UOS (the Flemish Interuniversity Council) with the Université du Burundi in Bujumbura. He hosts a documentary database on law, power and peace in Burundi (
His publications can be consulted here. He tweets @ArushaExit.
